I’d like to give honor and thanks to the teachers and influences that have helped me to grow and to transform, as well as having offered me teachings that I might use to help other people. I give honor to my various teachers and appreciate them for what they contributed to Diamond Lotus Path.
Swami Satchitananda, Babaji Naga Raj, Donna Talking Leaves, Gerardo Barrios and Mercedes Longfellow Barrios-Mayan Daykeepers from the Quiche Tribe, Ven. Namkhai Norbu, Ailu Gaup-Sami Shaman, Mata Amritananda Mayi, The minks and nuns of the Nipponzan-Myōhōji-Daisanga, Sunyata Saraswati, Jonn Mumford, Bodhi Avinasha, Starhawk, Sifu Ming Yi Wang-Taoist Health Master, Henry Canby who taught me aspect of Hakomi Therapy, Brian David Phillips and The Kiatsu Institute for Hypnotherapy training. and all those teachers that show up every day in the many interactions that teach so much. Thank you.